Monday, June 22, 2009

Iran Iran Iran

What a mess?! Iran is in political turmoil. Citizens all over the country are in an uproar over the recent elections. Should the US step in and intervene? Should President Obama be a little more involved? ABSOLUTELY! This election not only effects the affects the entire world. With such political unrest in the Middle East to being with it is important for the US and other countries to have peaceful relations with Iran. Having a new ruler for Iran may be the best thing.

Currently headlines all over are posing this question: Is Obama too soft on Iran? I do believe the President Obama should increase his voice on the issue. Again, this is not only going to effect the Iranians, but the United States as well.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding US involvement in Iran.
    The major problem with the U.S., thru President Obama or any high ranking official, taking a stand, is how the Iranian government will use it. While they are now fussing and fuming about the West and its free press and internet, the majority of their efforts (and venom) are directed at their own people and a few "dissident" leaders. As cruel and heartless as this may appear, it is the job of the Iranian people to do something about their own government, not outsiders (we had enough problems in Iraq).
    The other problem would be, any US intervention, either through political and economic pressure, or rhetorical demands would provoke an outpouring of anti- US hostility, not only from the Iranian government, but from the majority of Arab states (who have maintained a remarkable silence).
    I feel the administration is doing precisely what it should - taking a nuanced stand, not in favor of any particular candidate, but focusing upon fairly obvious examples of fraud in the election itself.
