Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Muslim World - The Gap of Ignorance!

Today on CNN.com the headline on their political page read "Poll: Few Americans have a good view of Muslim world".

Ignorance! Pure ignorance! Not everyone in the Muslim world are bad. Yes, some are and as the saying goes "One bad apple can spoil the bunch". I have done some extensive travel to the Middle East/Arab world (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Doha, Bahrain, Beirut) and I loved it. I was welcomes with open arms. People treated me like I was royalty....literally! I too was ignorant at one point and and my first trip to the region I was on guard, but soon opened up and I was pleased with what I saw.

Now lets look at the other side of the coin.....9/11 for example. Thousands of innocent lives lost due to the beliefs of Muslim extremeists. Every time I hear the words "Allah akbar" I get chills! There needs to be some intervention between the Western world and the Middle East.

I believe the Obama Administration needs to continue their efforts in the Middle East and fill the gap between the two nations.......not only the political gap, but the "gap of ignorance" between the two.

Fathima and I at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca (2006).

Dubai, UAE (2007)

Dubai International Airport (2004).

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