Sunday, June 7, 2009

Obama Weak?

On Saturday Sarah Palin make a very strong comment regarding President Obama's plan to cut spending on a missile defense program in Alaska - WEAKNESS!

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced in April the administration cuts would put a stop to a $1.2 billion missile defense project in Palin's state. Is it a sign of weakness? Let me pose this question. Is there a middle ground? I do agree with Gov. Palin ... we need to have a strong defense system in place. Not only for Alaska, but the entire country. I also see President Obama's side of the coin.....budgets cuts are an unfortunate thing, but in this economy it is a necessity. So, is there a middle ground? Can we revamp the budget and still provide some funding for a defense project? Would this project create jobs?

I asked some friends and colleagues this question, "Was President Obama's decision to cut the missile defense program out of the budget a sign of weakness?" The results are unanimous...100% said, "NO!"

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